Darling Spring

Photo Credit: Darling Spring

Darling Spring

Darling Spring was founded in 2018 by Banu Tanguler and Eril Serbetci; this women-owned venture is a haven for those seeking a more intentional and meaningful approach to everyday life. With a curated collection of lifestyle luxuries, homeware, art, and food, Darling Spring invites people to rediscover the beauty in simplicity and slowly savor life's simple pleasures.

At Darling Spring, the focus is not only on the products but also on the values they represent. With a commitment to justice, the brand aims to challenge gender inequality in the design industry and provide a platform for female creatives to showcase their talents. The collection is thoughtfully curated, featuring products that blend modern style with time-tested techniques, emphasizing quality, sustainability, and functionality. Darling Spring invites individuals to create a home that reflects their values, embraces mindful living, and finds joy in the art of homemaking.


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