Pronouns: She/They

Liz Cruz is a leadership coach who specializes in helping queer folks build radical leadership confidence. Liz is dedicated to helping queer leaders break free from self-doubt and imposter feelings so that they can create powerful change in the world. Their approach to coaching and leadership development is rooted in wholehearted leadership and emotional intelligence, with a strong commitment to liberation-minded practices and a critical stance against white supremacy culture. Bringing their queer experience and years of working with leaders in corporate, government, and non-profit spaces, Liz offers individual and team coaching, facilitation, and workshops. By focusing on emotional intelligence as a foundation, Liz helps clients understand their strengths, connect with their EQ skills, and build genuine leadership practices that drive transformative change.



  • Description: Are you dealing with an inner critic who tells you you're an imposter, or that you don't belong in leadership? You're not alone - this is one of the most common pain points I hear about from queer leaders.

    If you're ready to start building radical leadership confidence, join me for this challenge and start breaking through those imposter feelings!

    Join the challenge here.

    Access: Virtual

    Price: Free

  • Description: For Queer Leaders who want to work on building radical leadership confidence in community with other badass queer folks, we've got two group coaching options - the 12-week Queer Your Leadership Immersion program, and an on-going group coaching space.

    Learn more here.

    Access: Virtual

    Price: Starting at $75/month

  • Description: Ready to take your leadership to the next level? My Queer Your Leadership 1:1 Coaching package is designed to help you dive deeply (and quickly!) so that you can bust through your self-doubt, find your authentic leadership style, and build real confidence as a leader.

    You'll go from self-doubt and questioning your leadership to:

    • Understanding how you can use your emotional intelligence to be more effective as a leader

    • Being crystal-clear on your most critical development priorities and how to work on them

    • Having a solid set of tools to support your confidence in any situation

    • Defining your queer leadership style, and feeling great about showing up authentically, everywhere you go

    • Having a specific and strategic plan for your continued leadership development

    Book a free consultation here.

    Access: Virtual

    Price: Packages starting at $4,000 (discounts available for folks paying out-of-pocket)

  • Description: Recommended for executive / tenured leaders.

    As an executive leader, whether you lead a function or an entire organization, you're dealing with unique and nuanced issues. You need someone who can support you in fine-tuning your leadership, deepening your authentic style, and making sense of profound, often ambiguous challenges.

    In my work with LGBTQ+ executive leaders, I tailor my approach to your specific needs, helping you get straight to the heart of the issues you're facing. I bring my queer experience to the table, as well as my years of working with executive leaders in both corporate and nonprofit spaces, which means that you'll be working with a coach who can quickly understand your organization, without having to educate anyone about your identity and experience as a queer leader.

    I am here to support you in this crucial development work.

    Book a free consultation here.

    Access: Virtual

    Price: $15,000 for six months of weekly sessions

  • Description: I offer talks, workshops, and team/group coaching on a variety of topics, including:

    • Emotional Intelligence for Queer Leaders

    • The Imposter Syndrome Breakthrough for Queer Leaders

    • Queer Leadership: Cultivating Radical Confidence

    • Queer Leadership & Innovation

    Please schedule a free consultation to talk about your project, availability and pricing.

    Access: Virtual or in-person

    Price: Varies



Liz Cruz (she/they) is a leadership coach who specializes in helping queer folks build radical leadership confidence. Before leading her practice, Liz spent over 10 years in the corporate world as a coach, leadership development program leader, and organizational effectiveness consultant. A leadership development practitioner to the core, you’ll find Liz coaching individuals and teams, facilitating, nerding out about EQ, or ruminating on wholehearted leadership over a cup of (decaf) coffee.

Liz’s approach is informed by their deeply held belief that each of us is inherently brilliant and that the best solutions to our leadership challenges are found in our deep knowledge of ourselves. They are an eternal optimist, a queer leadership fanatic, a frequent teller of not-that-funny jokes, a lifelong artist (current love: watercolor), relentlessly curious, a deep empath, and despite all outward appearances, definitely an introvert.


Level Up: Wellness and Life Coaching


Aquarian Age Studio